William A. (Bill) Nowlin, Ph.D.
Arbitrator / Professor
Nowlin's Authored & Co-authored Publications
Alshboul, A., Glasgow, E., & Nowlin, W. (2019, May). Examining the Correlation between Hofstede’s Dimensions (Individualism Vs. Collectivism, Masculinity Vs. Femininity, And Indulgence) And the Media Expenditure in The Global Market. Journal of Marketing and Management, 10(1), 19-50.
Clark, Mary D., & Nowlin, W. A. (2011, Winter). Workplace violence: awareness, prevention and response. Public Personnel Management, 40(4), 293-308.
Chung, D., & Nowlin, W. A. (2006, Spring). The influence of computer self-efficacy on the effectiveness of web-based learning using WebCT course tool. Research Journal of the of the Academy Transactions on Information Systems, 1(6).
​Chung, D., Hamby, K., Fry, E., & Nowlin, W. A. (2006, March 16). Students’ view of web-based online learning from discussion group. Proceedings of the 2006 Annual MBAA/SAIS International Conference. Chicago, IL.
Nowlin, W. A. (1999). Negotiating overseas: Differences in greetings, space, time, communications, aesthetics, and religion. Journal of Practical Dispute Resolution, 1(2), 24-32.
Bonvillian, G., & Nowlin, W. (1995, Summer). Integrating principles of total quality into teaching and learning. In Roberts, H (ed.), Total Quality in Higher Education (pp. 95-116). ASIC.
Bonvillan, G., & Nowlin, W. A. (1994, November/December). Cultural awareness: An essential element of doing business abroad. Business Horizons. 37(6), 44-50.
Nowlin, W. A. (1992). Job attitudes of electrical engineers in research, development, and technical service. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education. 2(1), 31-37
​Sullivan, G. M., & Nowlin, W. A. (1991, September). Gender-based fetal protection policies: Impermissible sex discrimination. Labor Law Journal. 42(7), 387-397.
Nowlin, W. A. (1990, November/December). Restructuring in manufacturing: Management, work, and labor management relations. Industrial Management. 32(6), 5-9, 30.
​Nowlin, W. A. (1990, Summer). Recruiting and hiring minority faculty: Old story, same myths, new opportunities. College and University Personnel Journal. 41(2), 43-50.
Nowlin, W. A. (1989, November/December). The plant-closing law: Worker protection or governmental interference? Industrial Management. 31(6), 16-19.
​Sullivan, G. M., & Nowlin, W. A. (Fall 1989). The ascendancy of the conservatives at the United States Supreme Court. Anglo-American Law Review. 17(4), 295-315.
Nowlin, W. A., & Sullivan, G. M. (1988, January/February). Legal trends in affirmative action and employee rights. Industrial Management. 30(1), 26-28.
​Nowlin, W. A., & Stockham, E. (1988, May/June). Employment policy implications of AIDS. Industrial Management. Vol.30 (3), pp.24-28.
Nowlin, W. A. (1988, Fall). Sexual harassment in the workplace: How arbitrators rule. Dispute resolution journal, 43(4), 31-40.
Nowlin, W. A., & Sullivan, G. M. (1988, Summer). Pregnancy leave controversy: Business and public policy implications. Nevada Review of Business and Economics. 12(2 & 3).
Nowlin, W. A. (1988, March). Arbitrator development: Career paths, a model program and challenges. Dispute resolution journal. 43(1), 3-13.
​Sullivan, G. M., & Nowlin, W. A. (1988, Summer). Drugs in the workplace: The testing controversy. Business Insights.
Nowlin, W. A., & Barbato, R. (1988, Summer). The truth about lie detectors. Business and Society Review. (66), 18-21.
Nowlin, W. A. (1987, Winter). Employee drug testing. Journal of Collective Negotiations in the Public Sector, 6 (4), 295-309.
Nowlin, W. A. (1987, November). Weber doctrine extended to governmental employers. Labor Law Journal, 38(11), 708-714.
Nowlin, W. A. (1986, Fall). Supervisory leadership characteristics: A health care agency profile. Journal of Long Term Care Administration, 14(3), 9-14.
Sullivan, G. M., & Nowlin, W. A. (1986, Summer). Sexual harassment issue intensifies for the business community. Nevada Review of Business and Economics, 6-11.
Sullivan, G. M., & Nowlin, W. A. (1986, November). The clarification of Stotts v Firefighters. Labor Law Journal, 37(11), 788-803.
Nowlin, W. A. (1986, Summer). Employment woes develop at Kodak. Business and Society Review, (58), 13-16.
Sullivan, G. M., & Nowlin, W. A. (1986, September). Critical new aspects of sex harassment law. Labor Law Journal, 37(9), 617-624.
Nowlin, W. A. (1982, Fall). Factors that motivate managers in the public and private sectors. Public Personnel Management, 11(3), 224-227.
Nowlin, W. A. (1995, November). Total quality management: An experience in a business college. Proceedings of the National Congress on Quality, the Turkish Businessmen's Association (Istanbul, Turkey).
​Nowlin, W. A. (1994, October). Teaching/learning methodologies. Proceedings of Total Quality Forum V. Chicago, IL.
Other Publications
Nowlin, W. A. (2011, November). America's business, economic, military, and technology strengths-our diversity. Chicago Southland Chamber of Commerce, 17(10).
Nowlin, W. A. (2005, October 6). Corporate America does its share after the storm. Star Newspapers. Guest Columnist.
​Nowlin, W. A. (1990, May). What is your cross-cultural I.Q.? (Part I). Spirit.
​Nowlin, W. A. (1990, June). What is your cross-cultural I.Q.? (Part II). Spirit.
​Nowlin, W. A. (1988, January). Workforce downsizing: Impact on survivors. Supervision, 49(1), 13-16.
Nowlin, W. A. (1987, July). Gender bias in promotions: Lawful employment practice? Rochester Business Magazine, 3(8).
Nowlin, W. A. (1987, December). Minimum wage increase: Social and economic policy implications. Rochester Business Magazine, 4(1).
​Nowlin, W. A. (1986, December). Employee drug testing: Fair or unfair employment practice? Rochester Business Magazine, 3(1).
Nowlin, W. A. (1986, January). Online databases. Computers in Healthcare, (1), 42-43.
Nowlin, W. A., & Sullivan, G. M. (1986, July). Sexual harassment: Employers beware. Rochester Business Magazine, 2(8).
Nowlin, W. A., & Sullivan, G. M. (1986, February). Parental leave: creative social Policy or government intrusion? Rochester Business Magazine, 2(3).
​Nowlin, W. A. (1985, October). A guide to information utilities for educators. Educational Technology, 25(9).
Nowlin, W. A. (1984, August). Let your computer do the walking. Management World, 13(7), 16-17.
Nowlin, W. A. (1982, Fall). Improving productivity through job enrichment. Cleaning Management.
Nowlin, W. A. (1982, October). Do you have thieves on your payroll? Supervisory Management, 27(10).